CBD the true mate of the dog?

Higher Hemp CBD Products

CBD is increasingly popular for treating pain, anxiety, and other ailments in pets such as cats, dogs, horses, and even birds.


CBD for pets

Unfortunately, even though most of the research on CBD has been done on animals, little research is yet done specifically on these groups of animals. So we took a different approach and asked our customers to share their experiences of using higher hemp CBD on their pets. Charlie, a London-based author, and blogger who also regularly writes blogs and shares his personal experience giving higher hemp CBD to his elderly Labrador, Dougie. This article focuses on CBD for dogs, but CBD has a similar effect on cats and our other two and four legged friends. CBD for cats is popular for managing their anxiety.

My Labrador was diagnosed with arthritis in his shoulders. It was not a surprise - he had a hard time putting his weight on his front legs, and I could see the effort it took to get out of bed. He is taking Salmon CBD Oil for his joints, but I am still looking for something to make him more comfortable.

I have been taking CBD for joint pain since September, and it has worked wonders. Dougie and I looked quite the pair, hobbling around the house, and I began to wonder if he could share the relief as well. As expected, there was a lot of information circulating the internet regarding CBD for pets, and it was difficult to decipher the evidence from the anecdotes.

Must read: The Health Benefits of CBD for Pets

The Science

CBD (Cannabidiol) is a non-psychoactive component of the cannabis plant, which means that it does not contain THC which causes the "high" effect and, more importantly, is toxic to animals. Medicinal products have been tested on animals for many years before being sold to humans. Finally, we started to reciprocate!

Although the validated research was finished, I quickly discovered that Dougie, like all animals, also has an endocannabinoid system. Our endocannabinoid system is a network of receptors that bind to cannabinoids in our central and peripheral nervous systems.

These receptors are divided into CB1 and CB2.

CB1 receptors communicate directly with the brain. They regulate anxiety, sleep, memory, appetite, pain - the list goes on.

CB2 receptors process the rest of the body. They tend to suffer from diseases such as inflammation, skin conditions, and immune function.


CBD is internationally recognized for its ability to treat pain in humans. But in 2018, a trial was conducted to assess the extent of CBD's anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties in dogs with osteoarthritis.

Scientists recorded 80% of dogs as having experienced decreased discomfort and increased mobility as measured by two veterinary resources called the “Canine Pain Inventory” and the “Hudson Activity Scale”.

I should add that this trial was conducted by a CBD producer so the results may be biased. However, since Dougie started taking CBD with me, he has not screamed once.

Related Article: CBD Is Effective in Severe Pain Conditions Today the CBD industry is flourishing


In addition to relieving physical pain, CBD for pets has been shown to reduce neuropathic pain, particularly by reducing seizures. A study published in 2019 noted that dogs with epilepsy had significantly fewer seizures when their typical medication was supplemented with CBD, compared to other dogs who continued to receive their medication with a placebo.

Both dog samples showed signs of improvement, so further testing was promised by Colorado State University's College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. That said, you just need to go online to hear many cases of dog owners praising the effect of CBD on their dog's mental well-being.


Fear-related anxieties (like fireworks) are often triggered by loud noises or visual stimuli, but they also occur around strangers or strange environments, even while driving in a car. Your dog might also be suffering from separation anxiety. In any case, the symptoms are clear: restlessness, excessive barking, destructive behavior, and defecation in the house (to name a few).

A 2018 study in Frontiers in Veterinary Science reported that nearly 22% of 833 veterinarians surveyed said CBD was "very helpful" in managing anxiety. Another 65% said it was "quite useful".

Related Article: Using CBD Oil for Anxiety


As it stands, the FDA has not approved any CBD products for use on animals; either drugs or edible products. However, California is leading the research and will soon obtain the right for qualified veterinarians to recommend CBD for dogs as a form of treatment.

In the EU, CBD is legal in most countries. However, it is important to know the specific laws and regulations of each country regarding the concentration of THC. It should not exceed 0.2%, especially if supplied for animals due to its toxicity mentioned above.


The owner must check the dosage of CBD needed for their pet.

CBD in the form of an oil or tincture is more effective because you can adjust the dose drip, either by applying it by mouth or on their food.

The first time I gave Dougie CBD he was given three 5% drops and quickly fell asleep. He is a large dog (~ 40 kg), and he now receives 1 drop 3 times a day, which is working well. Due to the lack of research and each dog's unique reaction, it is best to start at the lowest dose [1 drop per day] and work accordingly. If the dog becomes drowsy, reduce the dose.

Related Article: A CBD Guide for Pet Owners

What to look for when buying a CBD for pets

Always look for 'broad spectrum' oils as they contain 0% THC.

Make sure that CBD is free from pesticides, fungicides, and solvents.

CBD from Higher hemp for pets is naturally organic and free from additives, artificial flavors, preservatives, and toxins. Dougie's arthritis will not go away, but I can confirm he is no longer in pain, and as a dog owner that is all you can hope for.


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